Doing our part to make the world a better place.
Or at least not worse.

Not long after starting the business I thought that using this platform as a way to support populations and causes I saw as needing support would be a good thing.
This is not always easy. Running a business like this has had a steep learning curve, and I get busy. Some months are more expensive than others (looking at you, equipment purchases). But since the beginning I’ve tried to use this business, and the support the community has given me, to try and contribute to causes I think are worth supporting.
Below is a list of those causes, as well as a total dollar amount donated to them over the life of the brewery.
I will be the first to admit it’s not much (we’re currently giving 1% of revenue, so you get an idea of how small we are). And I don’t get the chance to update this page as much as I like.
But it’s a start. And any large movement is a collection of smaller parts, right?
Vermont Works for Women
Vermont Works for Women is an an organization dedicated to promoting and support gender equality. They work to help overcome the educational, economic, and personal barriers to employment that women in Vermont face, and they’re awesome.
$541 as of 3/05/25
Beer Kulture
Beer Kulture is another organization dedicated to advancing and creating opportunities that foster diversity, equity and inclusion, this time within the craft beverage space. They support the employment and education within craft beverage of underrepresented sections of our population, and work tirelessly to make the craft beverage space a more inclusive space.
$150 as of 6/4/21
Jericho Historical Society
This one is a little more close to home.
The house I live and brew in once belonged to Lucien Howe, one of the original owners of the red mill. The Jericho Historical Society works to preserve the history of Jericho, as well as some of the older buildings in town, including the Red Mill. I think Lucien would be pleased, knowing that work happening in his old house benefits his old business.
$200 as of 6/8/24
Wood 4 Good
Fighting the good fight against heat insecurity in Jericho and the surrounding area, this family run operation donates firewood to families in need.
$716.83 as of 2/14/25
Hunger Free VT
Dedicated to battling food insecurity in VT, this organization works politically to enact and creat policies that keep local folks from expiriencing hunger.
$541.51 as of 11/24
Committee on Temporary Shelter
The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) advocates for long-term solutions to end homelessness and provides emergency shelter, services, and long-term housing for Vermonters who are experiencing homelessness or are marginally housed.
$109.58 as of 3/31/23
Common Good VT
CommonGoodVT is a non-profit supporting other non-profits. It’s a place where folks involved in running a non-profit can go to connect with other NPs, share and pool resources, gain skills, and build partnerships.
They work in conjunction with the United Way of Northwestern VT.
$89.23 as of 6/8/23
NE Organic Farming Association VT
As you may have heard, parts of VT have been hit hard by flooding over the past month. NOFAVT is an organization that gives money raised directly to farmers through a grant system, providing help when help is most needed.
$236 as of 8/3/23
Vermont Community Fund
An organization which helped fundraise for the tragic storms Irene, they’re doing it again with the 2023 floods- so it’s money that you know is going to a good place.
$1039 as of 10/24
DREAM is a nonprofit youth service organization that brings high-quality mentoring, adventure, and out-of-school enrichment programs to at-promise youth. Our donation specifically went to mentor recruitment efforts at Mound Mansfield Hight School and programs in the Jericho area.
$370.30 as of 8/24
Clemmons Family Farm
The Clemmons Family Farm has a three part mission- to preserve the Clemmons Farm; to empower the growing Black arts community in VT; build a loving multicultural community around African-American diaspora history, arts, and culture.
$322 as of 9/24
Spectrum VT
An organization that dedicates itself towards providing support to at risk youth and their families. Donations provide the means for this organization to provide long term, change focused support, meaning life-skills classes to help folks maintain their own positive trajectory.
$447.76 as of 12/24
VT Parks Forever
The thing with nature is that they’re not exactly making more of it.
And while VT does a pretty good job of protecting our green spaces, more support is better than less.
VT Parks Forever is an organization set up to help support VT State Parks in it’s mission, primarily by increasing accessibility options for visitors, inspiring stewardship, and generating additional educational opportunities.
$156.27 as of 5/9/24
Outright VT
OUtright VT is, in their own words, “(mostly) queer, we’re smart and we dream big. We know how to keep joy at the forefront, taking time to get creative and laugh together! That’s what keeps us fueled when the gravity of the work sets in. We take pride in our expertise because we understand that LGBTQ+ youth need our best. We know our worth. We believe our community strengthens the world. And our commitment to delivering high-quality programs and accurate information while forging strong and strategic partnerships elevates our purpose daily.”
$453 as of 6/8/24
Pink Boots Society
Pink Boots Society aims to assist, inspire and encourage women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry to advance their careers through education.
We brew a batch of beer for these guys every year about April-ish, with proceeds going to support their mission to make brewing a more inclusive enterprise.
$200 as of 6/8/24
Food Shelf
Dedicated to working agains food scarcity and insecurity, the Essex/Jericho/Underhill Food Shelf accepts donations of food to make available for local families in need.
$51.45 as of 2/14/25